KAIZEN — The Japanese rule to be limitless and achieve anything you wish in life.

3 min readDec 2, 2021


In 1945, after the World War II, America destroyed Japan. Thousands of Japanese were killed, infrastructure was destroyed and the two cities of Japan were vapourised — Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. But within 20 years Japan was the rising economies of the world and within 30 years it became one of the top economies of the world.

So HOW did Japan manage to grow so rapidly?

Japan followed a well-known system which helped them to rise from 0. That system is KAIZEN — The Incremental Improvement. We as an individual can also implement the same system in our lives to become LIMITLESS and achieve everything we wish to.

How to apply KAIZEN in our life?

Before we apply kaizen let us all understand kaizen. I would like to ask you to do a small activity. You need to raise your hand. Did you raise your hand? Now raise your hand a little higher. Did you raise them a little higher? So what happened between the two activities. The first time when you raised your hand, you didn’t raise it to your maximum potential.

Adults in a group discussion

Whereas, when you ask any kids to raise hands, they do it to their full potential. They are very enthusiastic.

Kids in a class

This is human psychology. We don’t do things with our full potential. As we grow older, we do a little less. This is not a bad thing because there is hope. A hope that we can do things better. Every day you can tell yourself, I will study a little harder because I am not doing it to the maximum capacity that I can. Your work, your feelings for others, everything you are doing now can be a little better.

So every day, try to improve yourself a little. Don’t try to attend perfection in 1 day. There is no limit to our ability to think creatively and positively. You can attend perfection in the work you do. You can achieve anything and everything you ever dreamt of. How? Every morning when you wake up, make a vow to think that today you will perform a little better. You know in which area you are lacking and think that today I will improve a little in that area.

Don’t try to make a big difference in 1 day, try to make a small difference every day.

If you try to make a big difference, you won’t be able to sustain it. Your mind will sabotage you saying that ‘you cannot do this.’ Instead, if you try to make small small difference each day, your mind will not have to adapt to big changes and hence you will make constructive progress. You can then do any difficult or near to impossible task with so much ease. If you apply KAIZEN to your life daily, you will definitely feel the difference. You will feel more productive and better. You will feel like you are growing and improving.

So make a vow to yourself that “I will practice incremental improvement or KAIZEN daily in my life.”




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