25 Life Lessons I Wish Someone Told Me Sooner

3 min readAug 28, 2024


Be it an elderly, an adult, a teenager, or a kid, everyone seems to be drawn to my nature. Only recently when I reflected on my life did I find myself repeating some of the life’s principles that have shaped me so far. Each year has taught me something new, some values that have become the cornerstones of who I am today. I want to share 25 of these lessons with you — lessons that have been my compass and anchor as I’ve navigated through life’s unpredictable waters.

Calm sunset on the beach
Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

1. Kindness Creates Ripples.

  • Even a simple act of kindness can start a ripple effect that touches lives in ways you might never imagine.

2. Give with an Open Heart.

  • You get what you give. Be it materialistic things, emotions, or vibes.

3. Guard Your Dreams Wisely.

  • Not everything is meant to be shared. At times, it’s smart to shield your goals from pessimism.

4. Embrace Life’s Uncertainties.

  • It’s okay not to have everything figured out. Life’s best adventures happen when you least expect them.

5. Go with the Flow.

  • Sometimes, it’s better to go with the flow rather than fight against it. Life has a way of leading you where you need to be.

6. Choose Pages Over Screens.

  • A good book can give you more knowledge than mindless scrolling.

7. Write to Clear your Mind.

  • There’s something magical about putting your thoughts on paper. It clears your mind.

8. Welcome the Dawn.

  • Waking up before the world gives you a head start on the day.

9. Keep Your Body Moving.

  • Whether it is a full workout or just a few stretches, your body will thank you for your care.

10. Disconnect to Reconnect.

  • Look beyond your screen. Real life is happening out there.

11. Cultivate a Passion Project.

  • Find a hobby you love and do it just for you. Not everything has to be turned into a side hustle.

12. Find Solace in Solitude.

  • There’s a unique peace in being alone. It’s in those quiet moments that you truly get to know yourself.

13. Be a Lifelong Learner.

  • Learning something new every year keeps life interesting and your mind sharp. Never stop growing.

14. Stand Firm in Your Worth.

  • No one knows your value better than you do. Stand up for yourself and don’t be afraid to demand what you deserve.

15. Foster Independence.

  • Learning to rely on yourself is empowering. The taste of freedom is delicious.

16. Maintain Bridges, Don’t Burn Them.

  • You never know when you’ll need to cross a bridge again. Try to preserve all the relationships whenever possible.

17. Master Your Time.

  • Time management is the key to a balanced life. It allows you to make the most of every moment.

18. Document Your Story.

  • Capture your life’s journey through journaling or photos. These memories will be treasures in the years to come.

19. Understand Your Finances.

  • Financial literacy is empowering. It gives you control over your future and the ability to make informed decisions.

20. Invest with Patience.

  • Playing the long game with your investments leads to growth and stability. Patience truly pays off.

21. Practice Gratitude Daily.

  • Gratitude transforms your outlook on life. By recognizing the good, you invite more of it into your life.

22. Listen More Than You Speak.

  • There’s wisdom in listening. It deepens your relationships and broadens your understanding of the world.

23. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone.

  • Growth happens outside your comfort zone. Embrace new experiences and watch yourself thrive.

24. Prioritize Mental Health.

  • Taking care of your mind is as important as caring for your body. Seek balance and support when you need it.

25. Surround Yourself with Positivity.

  • The people you choose to spend time with influence your life. Surround yourself with those who uplift and inspire you.

I carry these lessons as a guidepost and reminders of what truly matters. I hope they resonate with you, too, and perhaps offer some guidance on your journey. Here’s to embracing the unknown and living life with intention and love ❤️✨




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